Месечне архиве: јануар 2019

The Prisoner’s Dilemma Revisited and Augmented: The Teacher as The Modern Sisyphus

Juan-Carlos HERKEN-KRAUER,Vukašin B. VASIĆ


The new demands imposed upon the education industry world-
wide by “globalization” and “information revolution” are analysed in this paper, centred on the ethical constraints surrounding the teacher, and the challenges facing management. The concept of the modern Sisyphus is presented herewith, to capture the “burnout” pandemic, the “lagging behind” and the “social virtual” mobbing pressures, of particular importance for universities. Both push the whole system to a systematic decline in the value of the services delivered, and hence the quality of the human capital absorbed by the students, as proved by a simulation using the classical game theory model of the Prisoner’s Dilemma. Professors at the universities will give priority to their own survival, and collude with colleagues in order to escape the constraints imposed from above. This new modus operandi could, in the long term, depreciates the value of the signals given to the market by the education industry.

Keywords: Education Industry, Teacher´s Ethical Constraints, Modern Sisyphus, Prisoner’s Dilemma, Management Options

Asian Journal of Distance Education
© 2018 The Asian Society of Open and Distance Education ISSN 1347-9008 Asian J D E 2018 vol 13, no 2, pp 70 – 81



Juan-Carlos Herken-Krauer, Vukašin Vasić


In order to capture the relevance, and size, of the current shifts taking place in the worldwide education industry, we present a new formulation of the “Educational Capital”, consisting of an accounting identity that incorporates three commonly mentioned intangible capitals: “Human”,“Social”, and “Psychological”. We add a novel fourth element, “Prestige Capital”.This new concept is necessary, as the increasing market pressures, and the ever-expanding dominance of“rankings” and “accreditations” schemes, impose a systematic quantification, and comparison of performance. Such a leaning could undermine the quality of the “Human Capital” delivered, which was always considered to be the main function of the education industry.As a result, a change is taking place within the “Educational Capital” identity, whereby “Prestige Capital” is given a greater importance, followed by “Social Capital”.

Keywords: Human Capital, Social Capital, Prestige Capital, Educational Capital, educational industry
EDUCATION INDUSTRY. FROM HUMAN CAPITAL TO PRESTIGE CAPITAL, Zbornik radova sa Međunarodne naučno-stručne konferencije „Inovacijama do održivog razvoja“, Fakultet za primenjeni menadžment, ekonomiju i finansije, Beograd, 6. decembar 2018., Beograd.


Sustainable Education – Towards the New Paradigm in Education

Vukašin B. Vasić, Nataša Petković

Dynamic changes in contemporary society and global economy urge for instant changes of education paradigm. This paper is an attempt to establish the bases of the new paradigm in education

sustainable education. The idea of sustainability in the new paradigm is, by the contents it encompasses, identical to the idea of sustainability in the concept of sustainable development. Sustainable education is a kind of education that, functioning as it does, does not threaten the education of future generations. The paper deals with the most important agent/institution in education system – a teacher. Teacher is a professional, and that fact implies an agent who is an expert, a personality to be looked up to, and an ethical person. What is specifically analyzed is the teacher ethics as well as the necessity of the holistic approach to improving teacher competencies aimed at developing students’ inclination and love for teaching profession. A teacher satisfaction is an elementary stand-fast for sustainable education to rely upon. Eventually, what is pointed to at the end of this paper is the potential directions and ways of excluding moral hazard from the system which actually is the crucial obstacle to establishing, ope rationalization, functioning and development of education system based on the new paradigm.

Keywords: education paradigm, sustainable education, professional teacher, public good, information assymetry, moral hazard, the teacher’s vow, „teacher first“

Ključne reči: nova paradigma obrazovanja, održivo obrazovanje, profesija nastavnik, javno dobro, asimetričnost informacija, moralni hazard, nastavnička zakletva, zadovoljan nastavnik

ODRŽIVO OBRAZOVANJE – KA NOVOJ PARADIGMI OBRAZOVANJA, Zbornik radova sa Međunarodne naučno-stručne konferencije „Inovacijama do održivog razvoja“, Fakultet za primenjeni menadžment, ekonomiju i finansije, Beograd, 7. decembar 2017., Beograd, str. od 484 do 491, ISBN 978-86-84531-30-0
